Saturday, May 24, 2008

construccion de vocabulario en ingles

Dear readers. Excuse the following paragraph in Spanish, I'm trying some multilingual SEO. It's explained after this paragraph. es un sitio divertido dedicado a ayudarle con la rama fonética del idioma, a leer, escribir, y practicar los aspectos que en fin le ayudara a ejercer el idioma ingles con más fluidez. Ofrecemos juegos de palabras sin costo que están específicamente diseñados como instrumentos en su jornada de aprendizaje. Diviértase mientras enriquece su vocabulario en el idioma ingles. So, construccion de vocabulario en ingles.

Here's the idea. I'm involved with a site thats really good at teaching vocabulary to non-English speakers. It is highly placed on google for the words Build Vocabulary. Recently, it occurred to me that many of the people that might want to learn English might not speak English !!!!!

Maybe, for instance, they speak Spanish and might do a websearch in Spanish. So I wrote a page in English about our site and paid a nice bilingual lady to translate it into Spanish and to create some visibility for this page in Spanish-language directories, forums, websites, and blogs. She took my money, gave me a page, and reported that she had the page listed on 25 Spanish sites. She was sweet. I paid her. (In fact, I had her do this same activity on two sites. Check out: Estudiar desde casa - Habla espagnol? un programa conveniente de educación)

Then, I waited for this page in Spanish to start producing amazing numbers as an entry page from natural search. Nada.

So I consulted my google webmaster tools to see if those links were in high visibility places. I couldn't find any links to my Spanish page. And, el senorita stopped answering my emails or phone calls. merda

I'm a pretty impressively smart manager, aren't I? stupido.

So now, I'm back to creating some visibility (ie links) myself to:

1. Get some links and some traffic.

2. See if Spanish links get tracked the same way as English ones. So I've built the one link from this page and with a Spanish-speaking senorita that I know and trust (ie, my fiancee), we'll get that page listed in some Spanish directories. Then see if it appears in the usual webmaster tools.

3. I'm also wondering if someone with multinational multilingual SEO experience will show up and explain some basics to me. Please. I have attended SES Latin America in Miami twice, don't I deserve to know?!?
Por favor.....

OK, I'm updating an old blog post. This is May 2016. I'm adding a reference to  a Portugeese page too!  Învaţă vocabularul limbii engleze and I quote: este un site educativ important destinat dezvoltării vocabularului. Jocurile noastre gratuite de cuvinte sunt instrumente distractive care formează aptitudini lingvistice în limba engleză atât pentru copii, cât şi pentru adulţi.

Will this help Brazilian speakers find resources to help them learn English when they search in Spanish?  Qui sabe?

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